Transformers Cyberverse Serie – Bumblebee, Windblade an den Optimus Prime

Héi ass engt néit Bild zu der Transformers Cyberverse Seri, ze gesin sin den Bumblebee, Windblade an den Optimus Prime. Dozou huet méi Details veröffentlëcht.

Cyberverse will star Bumblebee and his best friend Windblade, but the storyline will feature other popular Transformers as well. As you can see in the first image from the show, the art style and overall design is much more of a Generation 1 throwback than its predecessor Robots in Disguise, but this show carries over the Bumblebee focus.

Hasbro revealed the show’s official synopsis, which you can find below.

“Bumblebee is on a critical mission where lives are at stake! Only, he can’t remember what it is? It’s a good thing his best friend Windblade has found him to help repair his damaged memory chips. With each recovered memory, Bumblebee rediscovers his past adventures on Cybertron before coming to Earth. He relives fun moments when he played Cybertronian sports with his friends, and even tragic ones that would change his life. His past will shape him into becoming the hero we know today.“

Of course, it wouldn’t be a Transformers show without Decepticons, and they will be returning in force for Transformers: Cyberverse.

„As each memory is repaired, another clue comes to light that will lead them both to complete their shared mission to save their friends and Earth… however, the Decepticons are hot on their heels and time is running out.”

Bumblebee and Windblade will be the primary Autobots, but you can also see Optimus Prime in the first artwork from the show. It’s unclear whether his appearance (and those of other Autobots) will be restricted to just flashbacks, or if they will be joining Bumblebee’s journey during the show.

The memory fragments narrative also gives the team a chance to feature classic Transformers stories if they so choose, and the Chapter format could lead the series to feature other eras as well.

Transformers: Cyberverse is being developed by Hasbro and Boulder Media Studios, and will hit television sometime in 2018.

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Hasbro sëchert sëch den Numm „Cybertron“

Hasbro huet sëch nees een Titel gesëchert, ët handelt sëch héibäi ëm:

Trademark Name: CYBERTRON
Trademark ID: 87616073
Filed Date: Sep. 23, 2017
Owner: Hasbro, Inc.
Related Properties Information: Cyberverse
Trademark Description: Toy action figures, toy vehicles and toy robots convertible into other visual toy forms.

D’Androhung steht am direkten Zesummenhang mat dem Numm Cyberverse, deen ebensou gesëchert gouf.
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Transformers Cyberverse – Interview mam Adam Beechen

Héi ass een Interview mam Adam Beechen, dem Showrunner vun Transformers Robots In Disguise. Hien huet Froen vun der kommender Serie beänfert.

“Question: Are you working on the new cartoon [Transformers: Cyberverse] by any chance?

Adam Beechen: I’m not working on the new series. Just like RID was a change from Prime, I think Hasbro wanted to try something new and wanted new voices for it.

Question: Based on previous finales they all seemed to wrap up the show pretty well, without giving out what happens in Combiner Force, can you say it’ll wrap up the series fairly well?

Adam Beechen: Do you really think I’m going to say, “No, it’s a terrible ending?” Of course we think it’ll wrap up the series well!

Question: I just hope the end of RID wraps up all dangling plots (Soundwave, Stunticons, Steeljaw’s Pack and The Council).

Adam Beechen: I think it wraps up everything that’s important, but ultimately, how good a job it does will be up to the viewers.”

Question:“Why is the show called Robots In Disguise when there was an old show with the same name?”

“When I came aboard, there were a number of possible titles for the series (I won’t tell you what they were) and the one Hasbro settled on was RID. The creative team didn’t have input into their decision. I thought it was strange, too, given the earlier show of the same name, and the fact that our show wasn’t particularly going to be about our characters spending much time in disguise. But they chose what they chose, and certainly, when people think Transformers, many of them think of the classic phrase, “Robots In Disguise,” so maybe that worked a little in our favor and attracted some viewers. I don’t know.”

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Néi Animated Serie – Transformers: Cyberverse

Diese Galerie enthält 2 Fotos.

Vun Hasbro kënnt wuel 2018 eng néi Cartoon an Online Serie eraus. Sie heescht Transformers: Cyberverse (Chapter 1). Déi kleng Biller wéisen éis G1 Charakteren, awer nach ass nik erklärt, waat genau mir do gesin werten. Just engt ass nach uegewiesen … Weiterlesen